Your amazing journey begins here

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Did you know?

  • AMA is the largest member organization in Alberta. Every third household in the province belongs. That’s a lot of your neighbours!
  • We’re serious about member safety. We’ve collected and shred almost a million tonnes of personal documents and distributed almost half a million All Valuables Removed car window placards.
  • We’re part of the largest reward network in the world. With AMARewards, members save money and earn reward dollars across Alberta and around the world.
  • AMA has one of the largest driving schools in North America and we’re the first in Canada to develop and test an online new driver program.
  • The AMA School Patrol program is active in 500 schools and 89 communities in Alberta.
  • AMA Travel is the largest travel agency in Alberta.
  • AMA Insurance is the largest Alberta-based insurance company with more than 575 employees and 19 offices province-wide.
  • With local traffic congestion and construction reports, road & weather conditions, Twitter updates and more than 100 highway camera images, AMA Road Reports helps members commute every day.
  • We’re proud to be among Forbes magazine’s list of Canada’s Best Employers for 2019. The award is based on employees ranking us top in these categories: working conditions, salary, potential for growth, company reputation and recommendation as a good place to work.